Ad Design
Single Ad
This is the Final for the Maritime Aquarium project. The ads had to be created in two sizes: 8x10 inches and 8x5 inches, and include both a color and a black-and-white version.
Video Ad
Using the previous client—Maritime Aquarium, and using the same target persona. My assignment was to create a 15-second video ad, designed for social media or YouTube pre-roll. I chose social media.
Ad Campaign
These are the final ads that I created for Open Doors in Norwalk, CT. The cardboard is supposed to evoke an emotional feeling of sympathy, as card board is usually what they use to sleep on. These cardboard figures are featured in the streets where you would sadly see them, but with out exposing the poor conditions the homeless live in.
Multi-Channel Campaign
This assignment is a multi-channel advertising campaign for Wilton Fit Body Bootcamp. The goal was to create cohesive, visually impactful advertisements across different platforms targeting potential clients seeking to improve fitness and health. The campaign promotes the gym’s unique aspects. This slide includes my inspiration.